What's up with Bachmann Website?

I tried to go to the Bachmann website today, and I got a screen that says I have to download and install something called “Zend Optimizer” to view their website. Clicking on the link brings up the Zend homepage, and after several clicks I found the Optimizer download. When I tried to download it, I got a page that says I have to create a Zend account to proceed - email address and a password. I’m sorry, Bachmann, but I’m not going to sign up for spam just so I can view your website.

Zend appears to be a legitimate site and product, but I have never heard of it or come upon any other website that tells me I need it in order to view the site.


I have a very simple question. Have you contacted Bachmann about it? I don’t do Bachmann, so I have no interest, and I have no answer. But if my car isn’t performing or not running, I contact the dealer, not a used car lot. (Not calling MR a used train lot)


No, I haven’t tried to contact them. Without access to their website, I don’t have any contact info.

I just took a look at the site with no problems. Are you sure you have the correct address, and not something close that goes to a phish site?


Had same problem, same message. Site is working now.

Sure enough - it’s fine now - never mind!

“Zend Optimizer” is not a tool used to view a web site. It is a tool used to optimize the web site’s back-end scripts (programming) so it will load and operate faster-- show you the web site “faster” (though the “faster” part is relative to their web server and not necessarily your actual experience). In short, its a back-end web server tool.

It sounds like the Bachmann web site is (or was / or will be) a PHP-based web site. [PHP is a web-oriented programming language] Perhaps they are in transition and you’re seeing stuff that isn’t finished yet. Perhaps something broke and you’re seeing something you shouldn’t. Either way, something is not right with the site and Zend Optimizer has nothing to do with you.