Whats up with RMC?

You would think that posting something on their web site would be prudent! I have been a subscriber to both mags for a long time. I like both equaly. They each have their plusses and minuses.


I received my April issue of RMC earlier this week. I received the May issue of MR at least a week ago. I’ve subscribed to both since 1978. Until recently, I had all the back copies of both of the mags. I decided to make space on my bookshelves by going through all the back issues and cutting out the articles of interest and recycling the rest of the mag. My wife suggested that I give some of the back issue that I’d finished to my 6 year old grandson who loves to look at picutres of trains, which I did. Our daughter really loved hauling all the old mags back to their house. I told her I’d be happy to recycle them when he’s finished with them. I’m hoping it’ll spark an interest in model trains when he gets older.

It was an interesting experience to go through 30 years of these mags to see how the hobby has evolved and, I think, improved. To see the emergence of DCC, the development of new modeling methods, especially with regard to scenery and the improvement of locos and rolling stock, especially in N scale. I found more articles of interest to me in MR vs. RMC. It was also interesting to see how many of the pages of the mags were devoted to advertising. At least my heirs won’t have to worry about what to do with dad’s old train mags.


I received mine yesterday


Got mine today. Will May be a month late or will they try to get it out as soon as they can?

Mine came today.



My April arrived today!

Hate to resurrect an old thread, but…

Carstens is back to their old ways. After getting the July issue of RMC the first week of the month it’s now August 15 and still no August issue in my mailbox. Oh well.

My August issue arrived here in Martinsburg, WV a couple days ago. I really don’t care when it arrives as long as it’s at least in the right month. To me, the most important thing is that it arrives! I subscribe to both MR and RMC, but I find articles that fit my interests are in a ratio of at least 4:1, MR vs RMC. I keep my subscription to RMC for those occasional articles that really address one of my modeling needs or interests.


Hmm. I was at the local Barnes & Noble on the 13th and they had the August issue in stock.

BTW, there’s an article by Gerry Leone starting on page 49 about using scrounged (as in Ma Nature will provide) material for scenery uses.


Hal Carstens just passed away that may have slowed the office down.

My major beef with RMC is that it is like reading with a hiccup. They obviously use spell check because sometimes there are two similar words (they were trying to decide which one to use) or a correctly spelled word with the wrong meaning (two, to, too). I wish they would put on a human proofreader, or a better one.
