What's up with the Aristocraft Forum

Has anyone noticed problems with the Aristocraft Forum site. I can get some links on the site, but not the forum. It has been bad all week. I use Mozilla Firefox normally, so I checked in with IE, and got an unfamiliar page from them saying that the Forum was being worked on.


Aristo’s revamping their web site. The old “red” web site is no more, but they’re still building bits and pieces of the new one… the forum being one of the–literally–missing links.



Try this new link:


The world changes, so does the Internet.

Thanks guys, Eventually we will have the forum back. It’s good they waited until after the ECLSTS to blow up the old site.


What’s strange is that the forum is/was a separate piece of software, so a separate link could have been provided, but maybe they changed their isp too…


An e-mail from Scott, he told me they are tring NOT to lose any data during the change over.

Ouch! That means new forum software! [:O]

Well, sounds like they not only went to a new web site (software wise) but basically an entirely new provider…

Man, I wish they had announced that because I would have saved a number of threads just in case what happens turns out like MLS, where the old stuff was largely lost.
