what's with the asterixes ?

I have noticed lately, in several posts, that a series of asterixes (*) replace certain letter combinations – most notably “c-u-m” (as in “c-u-m-berland”; or “c-u-m-bersome”; etc.). [%-)]

Now, it doesn’t make sense that the authors of these posts replaced the letters in question themselves. So who did ? And why ? [%-)]

If “c-u-m” is found to be offensive (even if it is part of an inoffensive word such as the examples above); then why not censor “a-s-s” (as in “a-s-s-ociation” or “a-s-s-ume”) ? [%-)]

A-s-s is more widely accepted in these days when you can hear it on prime time TV, thusit’s not considered offensive anymore, the other still is. As for the *'s. that’s the auto-filter working.

if asterixes show up in your post we will know why. censorship. this site is not for adults only. but since expletives are common out in the real world it would be nice to not have to see or read them here. there isn’t a day that goes by when i don’t hear children using several of those words in each sentence they speak. i don’t know why they just don’t delete the words in question. putting asterixes does not change the meaning of them. it just makes it easier to figure it is a bad word.

Of course another problem with this type of filter software is that it can’t really determine when a group of letters is really a “bad” word and when it’s just forming part of an acceptable one. It just recognizes letter groups.

It’s probably likely to censor the following word,***tail.



That filter was implemented within the last month, and it works rather poorly. Personally I never felt that there was a problem here, with the exception of one individual on a few occasions. I guess it is a sign of the times, and not a good one either.

Ha! Tell me about it.
It nailed the last four letters of my last name until the front office made an adjustment. Look at my photo album address to see why.


Carolina Gamecocks!
(Not that I am by any stretch of the imagination, a gamecock fan!).

Are we sure the censoring isn’t being done on the SENDER’s end, rather that by the Forum?

Is that guned? games. brass gamecocks.

Well, learn something new every day!

so, it will be impossible to ask how to screw the pit windows on one of my models airplanes ? btw it is made of br!

I know there are members that do not like discussing brmodels, because bris considered out of their league but just blocking the word isn’t that a tad too steep? [:D]

no, lonewoof, this “adjusting” is done by the forum software,

lucky this is not a model airplane forum ! [|(][:-,][:-,][(-D]

A while ago I sent a joke to a freind’s work e-mail address in a large corporation, and it included “one of the seven words you cannot say on TV”. Their e-mail system sent me an auto reply stating the message was intercepted due to the use of a bad word.

Fair enough, but they also sent a message to my friend telling him my message was filtered because of the bad word - and they included the word! Sure did protect him from the naughtyness! Go figure!

Bob Boudreau *******!

Some more oil on the fire:
if the forum software is able to filter out words, might it be able to correct spelling as well?

I belonged to a chat sorta deal a few years ago, and they had software that would replace the “bad” word with another word, so if you said @$$ it would replace the word with something like “kitten”. It was really fun to cuss a blue streak and then see what words the computer came up with.



Why does this work but not***tail?

ASTERISKS (not shouting)

see we need spelling correction ? [8D][:D][B)][D)][:-^]

I can’t afford br*** models,but I did break down once and bought a br*** South Shore Little Joe[}:)].

Perhaps someone should adjust this censoring software a bit better so words like “c-u-m-berland” and “c-u-m-bersome” would be accepted.

Also, how many of the younger members here use “c-u-m” as slang for “come” ?



This “naughty word” blocker doesn’t work very well. Some times the same word is blocked and other times aren’t.

If you are seeing French comic-book Gallic barbarians jumping around this board, maybe you should try opening a window the next time you glue a model–it appears some ventilation is in order!

There are a lot of things on TV these days. Particularly for the “enhancment pills.” Ads for “Victoria’s Secret” etc. I’m not a prude, but these ads and lanugage are on at all times! On all sorts of TV programming. Not on Disney yet, but many of the more education programing have aired them.There doesn’t seem to be a family viewing time any longer. Bottom line, just because it’s on TV doesn’t make it right! [V]