Whats with the snoot?!

I’ve always wondered what the purpose of the snoot nose was. Does it do anything for the loco? Is it for looks (or lack there of)? [%-)]

used for the extra space needed for radio equipment, improved crash bracing and larger washrooms.

Was it called Locotrol?


locotrol is the equip. for D.P. operation. They didn’t have D.P. back then.

Yes it was for locotrol.Locotrol 1 was bulky and locotrol 2 was more compact and did not need a snoot.
DP is the modern version.
CP Rail had the largest number of snoots, and I believe Union Pacific had them first.
Snoot thread

I saw a snoot the other day and just didn’t put 2 + 2 together. [B)] [:0] [8]

The nose was much longer than normal. [:o)]