Whats Wrong With This Pic?

What’s wrong? Was the photographer trespassing? [:D]

Very interesting picture. Thanks for sharing.


Looks like it was meant for derailing…

Nothing is wrong. It’s a switch point derail.

Exactly. This is a split rail type derail. It protects the main track in the distance from a loose car(s) that might get away from the crew switching them or whatever…

Notice the switchstand right there to line up the derail…[D)]

What the???[?][%-)][D)]
Umm…errr…Ya…Umm…Dispatcher… We have a problem… I think???

BTW… Where in the world did you get that pic??


Perfectly legal and VERY safe…

Look what I found.


Once again…normal derail…


Excellent observation and thanks for your input. Those of us that continue to discover pieces of the railroading puzzle that are new to us appreciate feedback such as yours.

Thanks again for contributing! BLOCKED SCRIPTinsertsmilie(‘[8D]’)


No problem. The only problem with that switch is that its not CTC, so if a car rolls away someone has to run like hell to line up the derail. And its a garunteed derail…a locomotive could/ has run through a normal hand placed derail.

No, the crew would not have to run like hell because the derail is left in the derailing position except when cars and engines actually need to enter or exit the spur/siding.
All they would have to worry about is getting the car back on the rails and that is much better than trying to explain how they let cars roll out onto the main!