what's wrong with this website

I’m on cable and I get those error messages… this is a new site with some bugs… but lattely it seems to have become more stable. Now if participation will only pick up (which I’m certain it will… natural curiosity will bring people to the MR site). I still think the home page leaves something to be desired. The top area where you tab onto the “forum” selection is drab and almost perfectly camoflaged. Need to make the letters bigger and brighter colours so people’s attention is directed to those selections.[:o)]

A few less of these darned sticky posts won’t hurt. I don’t much like to scroll to content once I’ve seen that post. How about expiring them after 48 hours?

I’m not a big fan of “stickies” either. They should definitely have a limited life span. After a while, when a number of them accumulate, you start “searching” for new threads.

I have DSL and this site is slow and I get 404 and 403 errors also. I own a computer store and it isn’t my computer.

Thanks for the feedback. We’ve been working out some of the bugs and performance issues we’ve been having. This afternoon we took the site down at 2:45 and expected to be right back up. Well the best intentions and servers don’t mix well. There were a few unexpected issues on the database server which affected the downtime.

All that aside, everything is back up and running now. I hope the changes we’ve implemented will bring the site back up to where it should be.


BTW – Two stickies have been unstuck.

When I had been on the site just 5 min before and then started having trbl, I checked with other RR sites, no trbl, just MRs site but tonite it does seem to be working better than it has the last 2 or 3 days. Other than that I agree, this is a great site and more participation will only make it better.[:D][:)][:p] By the way; I’m on TELCO DSL[:D]

Last night there was some scheduled maintenance work being done on part of the network between 5pm-10pm (CST). I wasn’t expecting it to affect this site, until I overheard a comment a couple of minutes before the network went down. [}:)]

I don’t know how long the site was unavailable, but I apologize for not being able to provide a heads up regarding the downtime last night.

I would be interested in hearing feedback regarding the site performance since yesterday’s changes. Please let us know.


Seems to be better, good work…

Front page very slow load this morning.

It’s working better, but still sometimes is slow and still got a 404 when attempting to post once.

The site seems to be slow compared to the Atlas site that I left a short time ago.

The lag time between when I type and when the words appear on the screen is also irritating.


Been on from work (LAN), been home from home (big, fast Dell workstation, and a Thinkpad with a wireless PCMCIA card). NO PROBLEMS. Fast, responsive and a nice design. Have had some search issues - unable to find topic; error messages from the search application, but speed and connectivity are fine.


Like the site.
Thanks Dave.
As has been mentioned…stickies can be around too long, like fish and houseguests.
Oh yes…those annoying long rows of “smilie” emoticons, it would be great to limit how many a person could put in one post…like to a couple, maximum.
In singles, they convey a message, but in long rows, they are just electronic graffiti.
regards / Mike

Some people appear to be easily irratated.