Whats your favorite Diesel?

Does anybody have a favorite diesel? My personal favorite is the new F units of Norfolk Southern. I do love the old Southern F units also! Somthing about the rounded nose…must be the areodynamics!

The one that’s going by ‘right now’.

That said - I like the lines of the E6.

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I’m with Larry that the best one is the one that’s going by at any given moment. If I had to narrow it down, though, I think I’d pick the ALCo RS3 as a favorite. I always thought the RS3 had great lines.

<----mine too

as far as diesels that are still running though, gotta go with NS SD60s and SD70s. major NS fan here

Greetings from North Central Saskatchewan in Canada!

I have very fond memories of the GMD1 used on the CNR branchlines in this province for freight trains and some passenger operation in other parts of Canada. A great unit with very distinct lines. I took many pics prior to the sale of the CN yard and tracks in my city - Prince Albert to Omnitrac in the late 1990’s. The cool thing is that 100 miles to the south the GMD1 is still used by CN for switching in Saskatoon.

Ditto mine too!


Yes, it’s a GP60.

i just saw a GP60 in Altoona the other day, silicon!

you’re right. they ARE awesome!

That unit is formerly the SP 9725. Just thought I’d share. It used to look like the one in my avatar which is the 9751 (from the same order).

That’s hard. But i guess my favorite would be the SD-40-2. It just has a nice look to it, and all of my favorite railroads had them (incl tunnel motor versions).

And the best looking ones were dark blue with a large eagle on the side[;)]. Followed by Kodachromes (which looks good on ANY diesel), and John Deeres (c’mon u know which RR i mean).

I have to go with Chris on the RS3–probably the best-looking road switcher out there–and they look good in blue, as MoPacNut suggests, but my favorites had yellow lettering on the blue. They also managed to house dynamic brakes without too much of an alteration of the classic lines.

Cab units: haven’t seen the PAs nominated yet, so I will. Makes you wonder what Alco would have come up with for Amtrak.

Now, as to EMD general-purpose units, MoPacNut has something with the SD40-2s. However, I prefer less clutter on my roofline (something I always admired GE U-boats for!). I wish the SD50s and SD60s had the long platforms of the SD38-2s and SD40-2s, because their rooflines, with the modification in dynamic brakes, was less cluttered looking. Haven’t seen a widenose design that I’ve really liked yet, but suspect that the future will bring designs that will cause the SD70ACEs to grow on me.

As been said already, one that’s going past me.

ALCo-RS-1, RS-3, Century 420

GE-44 & 70 tonners along with the U25s

EMD-BL-2s, GP-7 & 9s, GP-30, GP-35s & SD40s, RS 1325s, F-7 & 9s (and FPs)

For “modern days,” SD 70Ms & SD 70ACEs

But also, particularly anything with blue paint & yellow lettering.

(hopefully, C & O)

Just realized, i meant that’s the best colors for an SD-40-2 (add to that list, yellow/vermillion/dk blue, gray with yellow and red stripes, lt blue and white, and mandarin orange & white). For diesels in general it’s still Dk. blue (and dk blue/ light gray), followed by RED AND SILVER with yellow and black pinstripes (u better know this one[:D]), which would work on any diesel.

With out a doubt a Southern High nosed SD40-2 , my 2nd choice is rhe RS -3 .

1st generation: RS-3, GP-7

2nd generation: SD40-2, SD45

3rd generation: AC4400CW, AC6000CW