Whats your favorite steam locomotive? - Part 2!!!

N&W A class 2-6-6-4, with roller bearing rods, #1238-1242.

The B&O EM-1. Brute force with elegance and grace


southern pacific daylight gs4 ud think this would be the first loco at the top of that list

Problem is that I enjoy all steam, with my favorites being Erie Berks, any Challangers and shays

Dominion Atlantic Ry/CP D-10h, 4-6-0

NYC Hudsons. What else is prettier?..(Niagaras!!!)

Yellowstones-Raw unbridled Power and Big Big Big!!!
Hvy Mikado-all around workhorse
Consolisated-Built this country
And for diesels,nothing looked better than 3 SD-9’s Dragging a load of Iron ore into Duluths ore docks.Glad to see Nscale is finally going to get these beautiful models!!

No railroad could beat the good old Norfolk & Western for steam power! They fought dieselization harder than any other class 1 R.R. Of course the N&W J-class ruled.

SP Cab-Forward

Toss up between NC&StL J-2 or J-3 4-8-4 Dixie.

  1. concur with GDRMCo & bentnose willy. How could one leave out the AD60 Beyer-Garrat?
    2… CNW 1385
  2. Frisco 1522

CPR Royal Hudson
CPR G5 Pacifics, so many preserved!

Perhaps this category should be a bit more general.Instead of individual locomotives,How about types by wheel arrangement and names
0-10-0 ,2-6-2,4-8-4,climax,heisler,Shay, 4-6-2,2-8-0, etc etc.This would be much more helpful to manufacturers in general.The voting above shows that someones list of individually numbered trains is a bit on the weak side…

NYC Hudsons. Beautiful. Smooth. Balanced. Perfect.

How about them Southern Pacific / T&NO Mikidos.
Talk about powerful locomotive.

PRR K4 Pacific. But also I like Shays, and Forneys.

NKP 2-8-4 Berk. #765

HI all, I like BN best but changed to BNSF, GENESIS desisl engine I like best I have two of them now… I am used to see the BN passing in my home town in Aurora Nebraska most every day… now see is BNSF…
have great Christmas…!! no peeking til 25!

Ya gotta add in a couple of Shays and a Heisler for the logging guys.

I voted for SF 3751, cause its the closest to my favorite locomotive of all time, the ATSF 2900 class.