What's your favorite Streamline Engine ??


Hands down, Canadian Pacific Royal Hudson.

The one that hauled the Twentieth Century Limited.

You named it, the I-5

A.C. Gilbert Catalog photo, 1939

Actually the J-3A hauled the 20th Century Limted.

To Edbenton,

The person who started this link called himself “New Haven I-5”. and yes I aggree with him, the big Baldwins had the look of power. As a kid I watched the New Haven’s top Name Trains thunder by pulled by the I-5s. Lesser trains got the slower accelerating Diesels.

My answer was for Al-in chicago question no the thread starters. For me though it was the Blue Goose the 3450 of the Santa Fe the only Streamlined Hudson on the Roster.

al-in-chgo by syntax or typo above confused. Elucidate pls?


The B&O P7d 5301-5304.They pulled the Cincinnatian.

nuff said [;)]

norfolk and western…beauty and power

new haven’s 4-6-4’s…very nice…

Said so before and repeat:

Looks: 1. NYNH&H I-5

  1. N&W J

  2. SP Daylight

Overall 1. N&W J Best steam locomotive ever

  1. SP Daylight

  2. NYNH&H I-5 Needed new boilers and better driver counterbalancing with lightweight rods. Never got them.

Best looking non-streamlined power:

  1. DL&W and NKP and C&O 4-6-4’s

  2. NKP-C&O-WM-PM 2-8-4’s

  3. UP 844 and its 4-8-4 sisters

  4. NYC Niagra

  5. NYC J3A

  6. ACL and RF&P 4-8-4’s

  7. Southern Green and Gold Pacifics

  8. &nb

Funny, but I have developed no fondness for any of the streamlined steamers except for the Pennsy Duplex. I like them without their clothes on, I guess.

edit…Nope, I had to come right back after I had posted and recall that a somewhat distant second is the U series Northerns from CN. I like the high air inlets in front of the stack and the rest of the draped shroud…quite fetching.

No contest! N&W J!!


N&W J Class No questions asked.

Still think the J1’s durring WWII were just funny looking without the streamlinning cowl.

Do motors count too? In which case:

  • GG-1

  • Espee Daylight

  • N&W Class J

CNW’s yellow streamlined Pacifics used on the “Minnesota 400” in the forties.

Although I do like the N&W “J” class engines too !!

N&W Class J #611




DITTO ~~~ even with the dimple on ( her ) right cheek