I know that everyone else on these here forums have other intrests besides trains. What are your other intrests. Things like Sports, TV, Trying to get LC to give Jim H. his RS18, Roller Blading, Playing Golf, or Going out to pick up women.
I know that Mookies other hobby is her Dear Cat that she would jump into a pool of Molton Lava to save named Mookie. (Sorry Jen, Couldnt Resist),
Johns (The guy sitting in Jail for Failing Spanish and throwing his computer onto a BNSF Train, and was fined $26.50, aka Railpac) other hobby is Football, He and his mom are St. Louis Rams Season Ticket holders.
I don’t really know about Jim H…
Raakone’s other hobbies (He hasnt been on here for a while) includes drawing, writting stories and going to coffee bars in his home City of Montreal.
This one will be a shocker, but I have several other hobbies than trains. But the number 1 non train hobby that I am into is… Japanese Animation, AKA Anime. You guys werent expecting that, were ya? But, my Railroad Videos currently out number my Anime Videos on a 2-to-1 bases. My current favorite series is Galaxy Express 999, which is about a train powered by a Southern Pacific GS-4 type 4-8-4 locomotive that travels through outer space. My other hobbies include Going out to Baseball games, Shooting Video, and Relaxing at our families homested in Northwestern New Mexico…
…Well you know some of my hobbies, but what about you guys, What are your other intrests, I know that you guys must have at LEAST 1 other hobby, But if its railroad that your intrested in, than you have no life…
Adios for know, and remember:
“All your bases are belong to us”