What's yours?

This is my favorite photo:

What’s yours?

Heres mine

i don’t have many pics. and i’m not a good photogropher ← spelling? but i love photogrophy. i’ll post a pic. in a few minutes

here are some of my favs i’m not a good shot though

How 'bout these?

^ wow what kind of smoke do you use in your docksider, it looks great!

Umm… sorry to get your hopes up, but I don’t have any smoke secrets to share. Actually, I used a photography technique used back in the early '90s issues of Classic Toy Trains - cotton! [:D]


Yep they do it in Model Railroader too.

This is probably my favorite. I took it in Folkston, Ga a few weeks ago.


This was taken two or three summers ago, before a total rebuild. I just like this photo, don’t know why but I do.

Are those scratch built tankers?

No, not scratch, those little 4 wheel tankers are kits from Hartland Locomotive Works, as is the Mac switcher. Most people think it takes lots of $$ to break into garden trains, but each tank car kit was $7 and the switch engine was about $45. Best part is that they were made in the USA and are very nearly indestructible. They are super little kits and lend themselves well to bashing or super detailing if that is what you like. I like running the shorties, I have some 4 wheel gondolas I run as well, it is relaxing to me somehow. I plan on getting a Goose from Hartland and pulling some short passenger cars for the summer “tourists”.