I Changed The Drive Wheels On My 8E Lionel Engine. Can Any Body Tell Me Why The Big Drive Gear Is Loose On The Wheel?Do I Have To Do Anything To The Drive Gear To Make It So It Doesn’t Wobble. Also Can I Use A Regular Lionel Transformer To Run The Train Or Do I Need A Special Transformer Because The Train Is Old.
Thank You.
If the gear on the wheel is wobbling and loose, the gear may not have been staked to the wheel tightly enough. If you can get the gear to sit flush against the wheel, a few taps on the stake points with a hammer using a punch should stake the gear in place tightly.
Almost any prewar or postwar transformer can be used to operate your locomotive. The smaller, lower current transformers may have a problem operating the loco pulling a train, but they should operate the loco alone.
Thank You Larry. I Will Try That. Are The Stake Points Any Where On The Gear?
Take a look at the left wheel in this picture of a replacement wheel for your locomotive. The wheel does not have the separate gear attached, and you can see the 2 round bosses that would be peened or staked over to hold the gear in place. Your wheel should look like the picture, but with the gear in place. If, by chance, you have a one piece wheel with the gear cast in place, and if the gear is cast crooked, there is nothing you can do but exchange/replace the wheel.
Thank You. You Do Not Know How Much This Help’s. I See How It Work’s Now.