Toying with a concept. I plan to model Madison, Indiana with a few tweaks. One of those, is having the Incline (6%) re-opened and operated Weekends and special holidays by a tour train: operated with a rpad loco and RDCs used for Cab Cars. There’s probably eventually going to be a coach in there too sometime.
I’ll answer your question here: As I understand it, there won;t be enough weght on wheels in an RDC to make it safe to operate on their own, so a ballasted road loco will have to be on the end. Also, according to a PRR timetable, the train MUST include carS (plural) in the train to provide adequate braking; locos could not operate light, and I’m of the thinking one RDC isn’t gonna be enough. (Please feel free to correct me on that one)
My question though, I kbow there are varying inspections for locomotives and cars, and I keep hearing things that sound like there’s a yearly limit to the number of times something can operate. If I operated the consist with one loco and two RDCs, will I have enough equipment to operate around forced maintenece with just that pair, or would it be better to keep two sets of RDCs? Keeping in mind, that 98% if the time they can be inspected and worked on during the week. I don’t think there’s really any need for the RDCs to be under power themselves beyond lighting and heat/air, but if I;m using their cab controls, do they then fall under the locomoitive restrictions?
Originally the incline used H class 2-8-0 engines that were always run pointing uphil to assure adequate water on the crown sheets. The two SD 9 engines were heavier than normal to help adhesion. Siince the RDCs are fictitious to the line no reason you couldn’t have specially ballasted RDCs also that were built for use there.
A RDC only has two powered axles - but has enough to handle itself. A freight train with extra freight cars is adding braking power - something really not needed for an RDC with it’s Budd disk brakes. Are you talking about using the ‘de-powered’ RDC’s for use as cab cars - then you will need an engine! RDC’s have a pair of under slung 280-300 hp diesels that provide power for ‘everything’. There is a torque converter between the diesel and the inboard drive axle.
7s. 8588-9 were SD7s. The only 2 built for PRR, the rest of the 6 axle locos of that look were SD9s.
And actually, the RDC isn’t THAT big a stretch, as the PRR did use a Doodlebug at one point. Though the only hint of it I can find is a picture of it parked at Madison station. However, since the 1954 timetable I’m reading on the Keystone Crossings website states that trains cannot operate engine light, I’m not sure that Doodlebug would be allowed to go up-down on just it’s Independant. yeah, one can run the train brake as well without a train, but that’s not in the timetable. Though I suppose a twin set of RDCs could qualify as a “train” without a helper engine…
Hmm. More RUminating. But that still begs the other original question, would a single pair be enough to get by, or should the line spring for a second set to have on a rotation?