When is the CTT Contest Drawing?

It should be soon, right? Did I miss it [?]


I think its March 1st?

The CTT Drawing will be right after Neil & Kent put a Blindfold on Bob then, Put him on a swivel chair, spin him around, Then tell him to throw a Dart at a wall with the names of all the contestants & wherever the Dart lands is the winner![;)][:P][:)] This will probably happen in the next week. Stay Tuned![:)]

Nicole in Circulation tells me it will be Friday the 24th, and notifications will start being made about a week later.

It can be up to 6 months before the final list is available because not everyone who wins, wants the prize. Methinks it has something to do with the IRS reporting …

We don’t use the spinning chair any more - chugging from a bottle of Night Train induces dizziness faster! [:O]

Thanks, Bob. That’s a long time to wait for a finalized list. How much do these guys thing they’re going to owe to the IRS, thousands?


Beats me.

We’ve had people refuse everything from the grand prize locomotives to free subscriptions. even on a $1,000 locomotive I can’t see the IRS dinging them at tax time for all that much.

As for time, they have two or three weeks to reply in writing, and factor in that they only want to do one “complete” listing of prize winners and it can drag out. because for everyone who rejects the prize, they need to draw a new winner … and the cycle starts over.

Sooo . . . why did these people enter the drawing if they didn’t want the prize?

And somebody refused a free subscription?!? Boy, THAT’S gonna save them some bucks at tax time!

I suppose some of the winners that already have 3 year subscriptions might not need more. But turning down the grand prize because of TAXES? If a collector went to a train show and saw a great collectable item, at 25% of the reasonable value, I would assume the deal would be done in a hurry. Just a very rough estimate, if a person is in the 25% tax bracket, a $1,000 prize would cost $250 depending. But, there are probably reasons I am not seeing. Maybe the winner’s (husband/wife) has said “I don’t care if it falls from the sky, no more trains!” In any event, it does put another dynamic into the drawing process and increases the chances of winning. I think I am about due. I didn’t win powerball, this time. [:(]

Actually, I think a lot of people hear about the sweepstakes who have no interest in the subject area, but they enter to win something.


You’re welcome to give any winner that does not want the prize they win my address and phone number! I bet we could work out a deal!


[#ditto] Just in case Tom can’t handle it all !! [:D][:D]

“Accepting the grand prize on behalf of (insert name of dimwit who turns down prize) is Groucho!”

Short cut to this problem:
All refusals can be sent to Roseyville. I’ll gladly take a 1099 and pay the taxes.

Believe it or not, there are a lot of people out there who do not file tax returns at all and don’t want to come up on the IRS radar when a winning is reported. I recently read the number that the IRS estimates that don’t file but can’t remember it. Do remember that they estimate the tax loss in the Billions.

Well here is a dumb question but how do you enter this drawing? I can’t find the entry anywhere on the site. I’d love to win something since the little lady does not want me buying anymore orange boxes until next Chirstmas. Trying to save up for house (with a big basement).

Looks like today is the big day. Bob, my name is spelled with the “I” before the “E”. I just want to make sure the notice comes to the right person. When, I mean “if”[;)]my name is drawn, don’t worry, I want it. Thanks, Dennis Wiemer.