Probably jumping the gun here but anxious for the LIonel 2010 V2 catalog to come out. Any one have an idea of when it will be. I can hardly wait to see what the next CC issues will be.
not sure but probably some where around late sept. early oct or might even be a little later
My guess would be sometime right before the holiday season gets started so around late October Early November at least that’s what I think.
Typically it is out near the beginning of October, about 2 weeks before York.
Actually, typically it is out in early August to allow dealers time to order in what they want before Christmas selling begins. But since the Vol. I catalog came out much later than usual this year, I have no idea if the Vol. II will also be much later.
Lionel seems to be dragging their feet under the new owners. Each Christmas season I buy my grandson additions for his empire. Last year the catalog was somewhat late, but the cars and new set did arrive barely on time.
Volume 2 will be available online Sept. 3 at 10:00am. Looking forward to seeing it!