If you’re going to switching cars inside a big industry, like an automaker, refinery, chemical plant, paper mill or big food processor, with many specific spots for cars to be loaded or unloaded, what type of information or instructions would you get before you start working?
I’d guess that you’d always get info about which specific car goes to which spot, or would there be any situations where it’s up to the switch crew which car to spot from a given type of cars? For example, could you get instructions to ‘take any clean empty box car from the storage track and put in spot 3 for loading’?
Would you get instructions of which time the different spots or tracks needs to be switched during a shift, or in what order they needs to be switched, or is that up to the switch crew? If it’s predetermined, would the switching get done in the same sequence day after day?
Are there industries where a spot or track needs to be switched several times during the same shift? If so, how would the switch crew know when it’s time to switch the spot/track again?
If empties needs to be taken to a cleanout track to be cleaned and inspected before loading, is that a move that would be on a switch list, or is that just something you do before you spot the car for loading?