When the train is better than who your with....

This was sooo sad… I went with a guy not so much a date but just to hang out. I ended up seeing the TBS dinner train over in MT. Pleasant in Michigan. I had more fun seeing the train even though it wasn’t moving than being with the guy or anything else we did. I am bad. Wi***he train had moved though that would have been beyond cool. Anyone else ever do this or have experinces where the train was the best part of the whole day?


When ever my brother is with me i feel like that. The train is normally better than being with my brother.

Not by train, but in college, a friend set me up on a date and we took a bus into New York City to see a play . We didn’t get halfway there before I realized that this person and I couldn’t have had anything less in common if we came from different planets. Other than the play, the bus ride was the best part of the evening.

The ironic part of this ride was that, sitting in the seat in front of us, was someone I knew from working on a political campaign. She got off near home in the next town. Several weeks later we met up for a first date. A few months later she and I took a bus into New York to go to Lincoln Center and we became engaged to be married along the way.


Not really but I saw a really hot woman sunbathing at the park and a CN manifest went by. Strange enough, I didn’t care too much for the woman but drooled over the train…go figure.

That’ s why I stay away from tracks when I go on dates. Trains are lumped in with politics, ex’s, and philosophy, none of which I talk about on a date. Not because I’m embarassed but I feel strongly about all the subjects, well I don’t care much about ex’s anymore but it’s a taboo thing on a date.

Well I had an ex and even just the site of weed covered tracks(or even just old roadbed!!) was better than being anywhere near her.My new girl however loves me and thinks I am nuts for having a fondness for large objects that make a lot of noise. I drag her everywhere on days off to see trains and go ride on a museum piece.She isnt nuts about trains but shes nuts about seeing me happy.Win win for both of us Id say.BTW I knew she was crazy for me when she went to Memphis Tn with a friend and came back with three train pics just for me[^][:D]

Funny, but I never gave a thought to such a subject until I read your topic. It brought up an incident that happened to me way back when I was 22 years old - believe me when I say that this was a LOOOOOng time ago. There were four of us sitting around the kitchen table at my parent’s place when one of the fellows suggested that we go to a local bar to see the topless dancers. I had heard that a special steam train was supposed to go by the crossing, about 1/2 mile from our place, in about 1 hours time.
Well, Since there was only one automobile available and the others prefered to go to the bar, I MUCH prefered to walk that 1/2 mile, in the pouring rain, to see the train go by.
I did see the train steam by, even though it was 20 minutes later than scheduled, and I got 100% soaked (even had to throw away my shoes), but I was a lot happier than my three “buddies” who went to the bar, ands a lot more satiafied with my evening. Maybe I’m off kilter, but I have ALWAYS loved trains, even when I worked on them shovelling 12 tons of coal, in one 8 hour trip, into those insatiable fireboxes. We used to say that to be a good railroad fireman you had to have a strong back and a weak mind. I’m 67 now and still love trains as much as ever.