When's Rochelle Cam gonna be back online? Summer is almost here.

Good Morning folks

The promise was to re-install/re-activate “in the Spring”. No news to this date. When?

Sure do miss that action, especially a couple of years ago, saw two coal trains waiting for the green, and then seemingly racing east bound.


The camera was recently changed, but other hardware issues linger. We’re troubleshooting the system with the assistance of our friends at Rochelle Municipal Utilities, and are aiming for a fix soon. Your patience is appreciated. Thank you for reading TRAINS magazine!

Ok Brian. Thanks for the update. At least, the efforts appear to be faster on track than AMTRAK’s fixing the escalators at the Rensselaer Rail Station, NY, from the waiting room to the all the train platforms. There seemed to be a lot of passing the buck among the station’s owner and AMTRAK until the Times Union Advocate got involved. I’ve personally seen folks struggling up with wheelie cases, rather than take the elevators which are nearby.

I am so glad someone else has problems with software, hardware, puters in general, cameras, iPads, cell phones…
