I am looking for train manifests (Complete List of train), where could i find them?
interested in manifests from the following railroads SP,SSW,PC,UP,WP,PRR,C&O,B&O,WM,ATSF,BN,SOU,SOO
i got some, looking like this :
Southern Pacific
Train: 1-WCPBM-09, West Colton CA to Pine Bluff AR Manifest
Date: Dec09, 1995; departed West Colton on Dec09 at 4:38 p.m.
SP 8131, DASH9-44CW
SP 8138, DASH9-44CW
SSW 8078, DASH8-40B
Train consist for WCPBM:
SSW 24307, 50’ insulated boxcar, loaded with canned vegetables from Gilroy CA
destined Hebco TX.
SP 699230, 50’ insulated boxcar, loaded with canned fish from Starkist in San Pedro
CA destined Carrollton TX.
SP 694397, 50’ insulated boxcar, loaded with canned fish from Starkist in San Pedro
CA destined Jacksonville FL on CSXT.
SP 694573, 50’ insulated boxcar, loaded with canned fish from Starkist in San Pedro
CA destined Carrollton TX.
SP 247874, 50’ double door boxcar, loaded with plywood from Klamath Falls OR
destined Carrollton TX.
CRLE 2571, 73’ centerbeam flatcar, loaded with lumber from Portland OR destined
Carrollton TX.
GVSR 769196, 50’ double door boxcar, loaded with plywood from Riddle OR
destined Ft. Worth TX.
SP 800002, 40’ gondola, empty, destined Cleburne TX on ATSF.
WCTR 240206, 50’ double door boxcar, empty, destined Plano TX.
MP 367611, 50’ plug and sliding door boxcar, empty, destined Dallas TX on MP.
SRN 5011, 50’ boxcar, empty, destined interchange with SRN (Sabine River & Northern) Mauriceville TX via MP interchange at San Antonio TX.
If you happen to be modeling Japan’s passenger trains, the answer (for the major expresses, at least) is - the master public timetable. One appendix to that phonebook-size volume contains the consists, by car types, of all the limited expresses.
Since I model Japanese rail practice, thet is very useful to me. It may not be helpful to you.
You didn’t mention the Rio Grande. On the DRGW Yahoo list, lineups with locos, crews and car counts/tonnage from Minturn have been posted periodically over the years by a member with access to this info. That example doesn’t include every car, but I’d just suggest checking with the specific email lists of various fan and historical groups for the lines in question and you may turn up something useful like that, even if not complete manifests.
Not in any one single convenient online central location for all those railroad at all times, that is for sure.
You probably need to contact the historical societies of each railroad in turn, asking what they may have for some specific era or location. What you are looking for might also be known as “wheel reports”, “consists” or “conductor time books”.