Where can I find Railsounds and CC Upgrade parts?

I bought a TMCC-compatible SD-60 last month, assuming I would be able to find the Railsounds upgrade (6-22964) and the Command Control upgrade (6-22960) but so far, no luck. Lionel is sold out of the former, and I have no idea where I could obtain these items. Does anybody have any suggestions?

If you have checked your local Lionel retailer and/or local Lionel service station and they don’t have any, you might check Train America Studios at 330-533-7181. TA is probably the leading provider of aftermarket products for TMCC. The TA website if www.tastudios.com.

The good people at TA Studios couldn’t help, and suggested contacting Lionel directly. The good news is that Lionel expects to have the upgrade kits in stock within 30 days, though they will probalby not ship to dealers. If anyone nees upgrades, call Lionel directly in late-February.

Lionel said they won’t be available til the april time frame. I’ve been looking since late last summer.