Yes i’ve looked in my hobbyshop but they didnt have it so is there anywhere else i can find like an art shop or something i gotta know i need it so bad!!! So please give me some help!!
What about your LHS? Just kidding
Have you tried hobby Lobby? I have got it there before.
My Hobby Lobby carries it.(or Michaels) Krylon Matte finish works pretty good too. I get mine at Wally World. Almost any online place that sells models will sell the Testors.
I have found it at Wal-Mart before.
I have successfully used a mix of Tamiya acrylic flat base and Futura floor polish (1 part Tamiya to 4 parts Futura) as a dead flat mix in an airbrush. Cheap (since a whole bottle of Futura is less than $10 and a couple ounces of Tamiya is $5) and water based, plus very thin and dead flat.
Dave H.
While were on the subject can i find weathering paints there too because im trying to find them really bad!
Weathering? I find everything I need for weathering at Wally World, in the Crafts section. Acrylic (water based) paints in small and medium sized bottles. Chalk sticks, too. I scrape the chalks with the edge of an Xacto knife into a fine powder. I apply it with makeup brushes and foam wands. Total cost for all of the abve, except the knife, less than $15.
Dullcote is quite difficult to find. Ive learned to use clear flat instead after weathering some items, they dont disappear quite so quickly.
I must try out that 1-4 parts futura. Is that something like a quart of the futura to one entire bottle of Tamyia flat? what airspray pressure did you fire it at?
Micheals. My local one always has it.
My local Wal-Mart has quit carying Testors paints in the toy section. They now cary some brand I have never seen before. Of course it is aimed at the model car people, so they do not cary a dullcoat equilivant product. I have had good luck using the Krylon, but I prefer the Testors Dullcoat as It gives a finer spray. Krylon also has a line of earthtone spray paints made for camofloging fishing boats and the like and you can use them to weather some things if used with care. The craft section does have a flat acrylic spray for coating paintings on canvas and the like. I have never tried it but it should work. While you are at Wal-Mart you can look for some of those cheap 1/87 cars. They did look good, but but were not year approriate (1967) for my layout.
Dayton and Mad River RR
I just picked up two cans at my LHS yesterday. I had been looking for some for a while and picked up a can of Floquil Flat at another LHS a while ago. It’s no where as flat as Dullcoat, almost a satin finish. Wonder why others can’t make flat spray that is really flat like Dullcoat?
Testor’s Dull-Cote is almost impossible to find around Leesville and my LHS in Alexandria doesn’t carry it. The Krylon Matte-Finish (available at Wal-Mart) is a great substitute. Also, I get almost all my weathering supplies from Wal-Mart, the rest from Lowe’s.
Heavens no. Tamiya X-21 flat base comes in 1/3 oz bottles, Futura in 27 oz bottles.
I also use Futura as a gloss coat before decaling.
I spray at about 20-25 psi with a Pasche single action airbrush using compressed air.
Dave H.
Are you talking about Kustom Kolor that they replaced Testors with? That company has some outrageous colors!(pearls, metal flakes, color shifting) I was going to get some for repainting my Malibu cars and trucks. I was surprised to see Wally World carrying it.
I wouldn’t use the krylon stuff from the craft dept. I think it’s called “fixative”. It leaves a white haze behind if your not real careful. I sprayed a box car and some trees with it. Came back 2 hours later and they were white.[:(]
Hobby Lobby carries the Testors Model Master paint in the military armor colors. A lot of those are great for weathering.
This may not work…but have you asked your hobby shop if they would carry Testors dullcote? Or why they won’t?
Any self-respecting LHS should have Testors dullcote on hand unless it is out of stock from the factory. They only have to buy 3 cans at a time, you can get it from almost any distributor.
Sells well enough everywhere else, can’t imagine why they would not stock it.
Some areas have problems with paint abuse and I think some even disallow possession of these items because of abuse and graffitti, I cant imagine that on a national scale there would be rationing.
I am sorry to hear about your ruinied box car and trees. I was wanting to put a winter scene on my layout and was wondering more about the specifics of the trees. Did it turn them completely white or white speckled?
ModelMasters Clear Flat is the same as Dullcote - just different packaging. MM also has a semi-gloss and gloss (same as glosscote)
No. It wasn’t complete like a snow look. It was just a white haze that looked really bad.