Where could I Buy An Affordable AMD 103 P42 Phase V

Where could I Buy An Affordable AMD 103 P42 Phase V for my Bachmann Track and Power Supply. I heard you don’t need a specific Brand Name!
Email @ Dellcomputers2006@msn.com

First off [#welcome] to the forums!!!

Your question would be best answered on the Model Railroader forums, there area lot of knoledgeble people over there that can help you.

Enjoy your stay[:)]

www.trains.com/community/forum/forum.asp?FORUM_ID=88 that’s the site for the MR forum. I will try to answer your question…Athearn has an AMD-103, but none in phase V. i have assumed here you are talking about HO. If you are in N, Kato has a somewhat more expensive phase V model, and it looks great!