I need fairly large quantities of 2" foam insulation board but am having trouble finding it. I went to both Home Depots and a Lowes where I live and they had a grand total of 1 board with a corner missing. Does anyone sell this stuff on the Internet? I’d be willing to pay for delivery since my only car is a convertible and I had to rent the HD truck just to get the boards I bought home. Any suggestions?
Both makers of foam offer dealer finder services, one by phone, one on-line. These tend to list lots of Home Depot and Lowes locations that don’t actually have the stuff in stock, but if you call first, you can usually find an insulation dealer or lumberyard that has the stuff in stock. Info in this thread: http://www.trains.com/community/forum/topic.asp?page=-1&TOPIC_ID=33554&REPLY_ID=341011#341011
If you have a buddy that has a truck, you may want to cruise around some local construction sites and get their scrap stuff. It’d be a lot cheaper. The 2’ pink stuff costs about $25 a piece here in Cincinnati.
You could also just ask them at HD to order some for you. Our HD up here Queensbury, NY has piles of it, so the redistribution center for your store should have it or they can shift some from one store to the other. I assume the same is true for Lowes.
Check some of the smaller lumber yards too, I just came from my locoal lumer yard, which is nothing like Menards or Home Depot. But they had a stack of 2" foam board that was 6 feet high. It might be more expensive, but they may deliver for free if it is close by.
I have found that I was able to buy 2 pieces of the 1" board for cheaper than 1 piece of the 2" If you don’t mind stacking them, and it’s cheaper try that.
modelmaker51 is right. You should be able to order some from HD or Lowes. My HD 25+ sheets of the stuff for $20 each. (suburb of Chicago) space is tight in NYC so you might need to ask for help. They may have more in a back storage area that hasn’t made it out to the display shelves. Since you need alot of it, HD shouldn’t have a problem ordering whatever quantity you request. You could also have them deliver it for you for an extra charge. About $50 here, more $ than renting the truck but less of your time