Where is the OJ train?

Am going to Florida and Jacksonville end of Jan. How or where can I see the Orange Juice train?

I lived in Florida a couple of years ago and the OJ train operated on CSX through Jacksonville. At that time it usually came through late afternoon. “Trains” had an article on it during the last couple of years so if you have back issues (or a good library) you might look for information there.

Hopefully someone locally can give more info. If I remember corectly, the Tropicana OJ (hold the Simpson)train was ran on CSX and/or NS lines. Maybe contact there websites,or try to call them directly. I saw this train on Tracks Ahead on PBS…It seemed too good to be true!!
Good luck & have fun!!
Icemanmike-Milwaukee…Far far away from Florida!!..Im So Jelous :slight_smile:

What is the OJ Train

baldwin yard 10 miles west of jax between four and seven oclock daily.

good answer. Thank you for your response. I hope to get some pictures while down there.

The OJ train is literaly a entire train with nothing but Tropicana (mostly orange) train cars.
Its a sight to behold!