I was wondering what webste I could find software to desing my layout.
Thanks in advance for any help.
I was wondering what webste I could find software to desing my layout.
Thanks in advance for any help.
CADRAIL is available at www.sandiasoftware.com. I have used it for a number of years and would not use anything else. It makes it very easy to do track alignments, clearances, etc. You can even lay out a plan and try running a train on it to gain confidence that the plan is workable. In a nutshell, if you can lay it out without kinks or conflicts in CADRAIL, it will work in real life (as long as you build it the way you designed it).
Depending on what you are building, there is the Atlas Right Track which is a free download at Atlas; however it only uses Atlas track in its library.
XtrkCad has a free download you can try out… I haven’t tried it so I can’t recommend it.
Unless you have CAD background , realize that learning the RR track planning CAD’s will have a steep learning code; which means - loosely translated - hard or long and boring to learn. I am willing to bet that many of the RR cad programs bought, never get used.
I was wondering what webste I could find software to desing my layout.
Thanks in advance for any help.
CADRAIL is available at www.sandiasoftware.com. I have used it for a number of years and would not use anything else. It makes it very easy to do track alignments, clearances, etc. You can even lay out a plan and try running a train on it to gain confidence that the plan is workable. In a nutshell, if you can lay it out without kinks or conflicts in CADRAIL, it will work in real life (as long as you build it the way you designed it).
Depending on what you are building, there is the Atlas Right Track which is a free download at Atlas; however it only uses Atlas track in its library.
XtrkCad has a free download you can try out… I haven’t tried it so I can’t recommend it.
Unless you have CAD background , realize that learning the RR track planning CAD’s will have a steep learning code; which means - loosely translated - hard or long and boring to learn. I am willing to bet that many of the RR cad programs bought, never get used.