Where to watch in Colorado/Denver

I originall y posted this in the genral discussion area and they suggested I also do so here.

The wife and I are headed to Denver/Estes Park area next weekend. Where are the good train watching spots? I plan on going to Moffat Tunnel, but where else? What are the good street viewing/accessable locations in Denver, Fort Collins, elsewhere?

Ill suggest the Colorado Railfan group on yahoo. As for Denver, Down by the ballpark and Union Station are great areas. You can see 31st street yard and LODO action.If you follow the BNSF /UP south you can take whatever the street is that takes you towards Littleton ( I cant recall it and drove it every day lol sorry) You will see BNSF trains rolling along there.

Ask on the yahoo group about the streets you may need for the Kountry Line. Its a day job and afternoon job that works an old narrow gauge line.Really awesome place.

Going North towards Ft Collins the best place is Mason Street cause we run down the middle of it.If you follow it towards north yard you will see an old C&S depot freight house and the UP crossing.Not much north of Ft Collins really unless your going to Cheyenne then you can follow the C&S all the way in on 25.

Another good spot is Longmont Colorado.A great old depot downtown and a local working out of it.You can follow trains towards boulder on the highway there south out of town.

Take the time to go to Golden. Not just the museum but all the way to the town itself. If you go past the museum the tracks run right along the road.You can see where the jobs tie up in Golden. Coors has Omni trax running their operation. Really nice looking red switchers you can see from the road.

Two “beer runs” one at 6 am and another at 6 pm work out of Golden.Then you have a golden switcher that deals with all the industries on the line.

I worked out of Denver on the old C&S,some real great spots along the lines.Broomfield is a good location, Boulder ina few spots, but Longmont and F Collins are the best! Have a fun trip.