Where's a SDL 39 model?

I model the Wisconsin Central (in HO scale) and I would like to find a company that sells the SDL 39 locomotives. If there is no company that sells it, I would like to find some blueprints online.

A quick Google search turned up this web site that has SDL 39 shells, and is reportedly working on the frame.


The SDL39 was produced by EMD for the Milwaukee Road. A total of 10 engines were produced. The engine is basically a SD39 on a super short frame with export trucks under it. One of the engines was destroyed on the Milwaukee, so only 9 survived to the SOO merger. When the SOO sold off the Lake States property to WC Ltd, they bought them. The engines are very light(50,000 lb axle loading) and were used on a lot of the old DSS&A lines in the UP of Michigan. After the WC Ltd was sold to CN, the SDL39’s were sold again and would up in South America(IIRC).

There have been several runs of the model(HO) in brass. They run about $350 & up on eBay. I have yet to see the Kaslo Shops model it the light of day, and I am unsure of what they are going to use for a drive(those strange export truck sideframes are very unusual). A firend kitbashed on out of some GP38 parts, IIRC. He never finished it, and sold the shell many years ago.


Not too long after I got back into the hobby (late 80s) my LHS had a brass version of the SDL 39 in a display window, factory painted in WC paint.

I almost bought it but changed my mind. I thought maybe a plastic version or shell would be released some day.

Not surprisingly, someday never came. The low production of the prototype has precluded a non-brass model being produced as yet.

As Jim has stated the WC used them in the UP quite a bit. I have seen then up there in the SOO / Milwaukee bandit scheme and later in WC paint.

Very versatile engines, they were sometimes Mued to SD 45s and F45s on the original Soo Line route to the SOO.

I also saw them in Marquette being used in service between Baraga and Trout Lake on the old DSSA. I always liked the look of them.

Here is a link to an online article MR has: http://www.trains.com/mrr/default.aspx?c=a&id=137


Kaslo shops is making one I ordered one its been in the works for awhile as usual with special runs there are some set back. I talk to the owner a lot. If your interestedemail them its not badly priced and what I have seen It looked great.

Your description is spot-on, except they aren’t actually “export” sideframes. Those trucks were designed specifically for the SDL39’s and not used on any other locos. I seem to recall that it was necessitated by the desire to fit in three traction motors while keeping the overall length to a minimum. The intent was light axle loading (SDLight) for branch lines with weight restrictions. More info here: http://www.trains.com/mrr/objects/pdf/mr_pi_9-04_milwaukeesdl39_01.pdf

Either way, it’s a shame the CN let them go back to the lessor. They were unique locos, and according to the WC shop foreman I talked to at Fond du Lac some years ago they were good pullers and well-liked by the crews.


P.S. I have one of the OMI brass SDL39’