Wheres everyone from?

Sammamish, Washington (just South of Redmond)

Bedford, Massachusetts, 01730. We’re the little town between Lexington and Concord, where the Minutemen with names we remember went to get enough musket-toting drunks to start the Revolution. More than 2 centuries later, and some of us are still revolting.

We had a very early narrow-gauge railroad up to nearby Billerica, and later a full commuter rail line running Budd cars. Now, they’ve all gone back to bike trails, although one of the old Budds is being restored as a park/museum attraction. My LHS is Maine Trains in Chelmsford, one town to the north beyond Billerica.

Brunswick Maryland. We used to have one of the largest switching yards on the B&O mainline.

Vancouver, Washington. Just across the Columbia River from Portland, Oregon.
And Yes I sure would like to meet up with others who are interested in Model train layouts in my area. So far I am a lone wolfer. I would even I to join a club if there is one around here.

Kirkland Lake, ON, then Peru SA, then British Columbia, then…oh, too many places that I have been “from”. If I were a Newf, I’d say where I’ve been to.

These days, Vancouver Island, a ferry ride and a 50 minute drive north from the City of Vancouver, BC. Dark, wet, and howling for much of the past week. Not like the Gulf states, but we routinely get 60+ mph winds coming off the chop not 100’ from my seaward door.

Hm, so amusing.
“Battle of Lexington, Fought in Concord, By Men of Acton”

How about very near you in Rockland County, I am in Pomona.

DuBois PA 15801[8D]

Anniston, Alabama


NewBrunswick Canada were it is cold!

NE, Illinois

Oxford, Ohio home of The Miami University

Originally from just outside the great metropolis of Felicity, Ohio population (then) 870.

That is what your profile is for. It is sad that some people don’t fill in their information, at least their name and where they live, I guess they fear that Al Qaida will blow up their RR if they get their address. LOL

There are other privacy issues, not the least of which is phishing.

I am from Earth. You will be assisimilated. Ressistance is futile.

I am from Dallas, TX. I don’t worry about phishing…I’m vegetarian…I don’t eat phish.

<— see, it says that [8D]

Well, I’m FROM Chicago, but I currently live in Elgin, IL.

Hopkinsville, KY 42240

The Heart of the Finger Lakes! Home of the annual Lake Trout Derby, and home of the “Whale Watch”. I don’t go sun bathing on Seneca lake as there are always some kind people that keep trying to throw me back in! LOL

Geneva, NY

BTW, Bukwrm, my youngest son got his Masters in English from Miami of Ohio. He taught there for two years as a Graduate Assistant. He currently works for U of Chicago and is in their MBA program.

Hey RockIsland! Used to live in Peoria, AZ! Moved to west central Missouri back in 99. They have basements, er, railroad rooms here…
And CSmith… Used to do Oktoberfest in New Braunfels. I was stationed at Randolph in the mid 70s.