Where's Randy Rinker??

Anyone know where Randy got off to? I always enjoyed reading his DCC/Electronics posts.

This same question was asked a few weeks ago. I believe that he had said he was taking some time off, but I don’t remember. I really wish he was here, I know that if I attempt to install a decoder in an S unit i’m gonna have some additional questions for him.

i’ve seen a post or two from him in the last week on the yahoo digitrax list , so he hasn’t dropped off the face of the planet

That’s good to know. Does he use the same screen name on the Digitrax list? Thanks.

I would imagine that Randy is also finally enjoying the arrival of his long-awaited Reading T1 from Precision Craft Models…


he uses Randy Rinker . made it real easy for me to figure out who it was [:)] his most recent post was dec. 27 and he was discussing the lok-sound decoder in the T1 … he seems pleased with it