I am working on expanding my HO Layout. I am running a NCE DCC Layout. What brand of locomotives shoud I be purchasing as a good dependable loco? I dont necessarly want the best, top dollar ones, but I do not want the cheap one that will give me probelms later. Any suggestions on what brands I should be looking at? Also, is it better to buy DCC ready and install my own DCC or buy preinstalled DCC?
Thanks for the help. I only have a few DCC locos and would like to build my collection.
Diesel, steam? What scale?
All the big name companies have some good issues, and they have some duds. If we know more specifically about your needs, you are sure to get some good tips addressing those specific needs.
As selector said, what are you looking for? Steam, Modern Diesel, 70’s diesel, 50’s/Transition Diesel?
Also are you looking for sound equipped?
Give us a price range, type (diesel or steam), and then we can help you.
Sorry, I guess I forgot the pertinant information. I model HO scale and I am looking for diesel for sure. More towards the modern diesel locos.
I also would like one good steam engine with sound. My little cousin loves trains and I know he would love to see it run.
As far as the diesels go, I am considering some with sound. I have not made up my mind about that. What you everyone recommend?
I would like to keep my spendings under $250 per loco for sure.
Atlas, BLI, Proto, Bachmann Spectrum (newer), Kato, and Athearn Genesis all make excellent modern HO scale diesels. They range from about $75 to $150 (retail) without sound. Atlas, BLI, Proto, and the newest of the new Athearn Genesis (anything made after mid-2009 or so) have very good sound as far as I know (I’m not a sound expert), and range from $250 to $300? at retail. Of course, you can find any of these for much cheaper at discount stores and eBay.
As for steam with sound, Bachmann Spectrum is the most affordable option. I have a few non-sound Spectrum steam engines, and they’re excellent runners with durable outer details.[:D]
Kato by far have made the smoothest and most reliable of any locos on my roster which includes athearn genesis, spectrum, BLI, and much more… As I am modeling N scale right now, I have no idea how MTH is, but they do look nice… and they have some nice never diesel power…
Your first Modern Diesel should be an Atlas in my opinion. With or without sound they are great engines. You can get a nice one without sound for under $100. With sound, about $200 or so.
This is a great online store to buy from. MB Klein. http://www.modeltrainstuff.com/default.asp
Agree, Atlas is a great choice for HO diesel.