Which paint is better...

My local hobby shop [:(][:(!] carrys everything, but nothing[:o)][:D]. I am going to paint a wood, laser cut structure and they have large selection of Model Master spray paints and numerus cans of Floquil’s Bright Silver.

What is a better paint, in terms of fineness in grain for application, Model Master or Floquil. I would prefer Floquil, but they don’t carry it and the ordering is a hassle! The closest REAL Hobby shop is some 200+ miles away and in my world a very impracticle jaunt for one can of spray paint.

A horse of a different color:
Should I use a Sanding Sealer on it[?] Or will this affect how “glossy” it looks[?]

have used Floquil and Model Master so far they both work fine for me if I had to pick one I would pick Fioquil. I have no problem with either one.

Thank you g4chapin [:)]

My local hobby shop [:(][:(!] carrys everything, but nothing[:o)][:D]. I am going to paint a wood, laser cut structure and they have large selection of Model Master spray paints and numerus cans of Floquil’s Bright Silver.

What is a better paint, in terms of fineness in grain for application, Model Master or Floquil. I would prefer Floquil, but they don’t carry it and the ordering is a hassle! The closest REAL Hobby shop is some 200+ miles away and in my world a very impracticle jaunt for one can of spray paint.

A horse of a different color:
Should I use a Sanding Sealer on it[?] Or will this affect how “glossy” it looks[?]

have used Floquil and Model Master so far they both work fine for me if I had to pick one I would pick Fioquil. I have no problem with either one.

Thank you g4chapin [:)]