I have been working on my layout little at a time and have had a blast. I generally use Kato products for N Scale (Locomotives and Unitrak). Im not at the point where I want to expand my horizons and start to use steam locomotives in N Scale. I notivced that Kato doesnt make many. WHat company shoudl I be lookign at for this kind of Loco? Which company should I totally avoid?
I have now started DCC and will never go back to DC if it can be avoided. YUour Help woudl be greatly appreciated
Bachmann is a good company with quality products. I havent use many N scale products but I have heard many good things about Bachmann.
Have you ever been to http://www.internettrains.com?
They have almost every product from almost any company. You should be able to find what you are looking for in quality.
Kato’s Mikado is an excellent engine. I have one and thinking about getting another. It is a very smooth runner. I’ve also heard good things about Bachmann’s Consolidation. I’m going to try one of those next…
The publications geared towards N Scale have very good reviews… Bachmann Spectrum is usually very good. Stay away from the regular line.Their quality control does leave a little to be desired, but they are good about replacing defective locos. If it’s out of the year warranty, the most it will cost to repair or replace a defective loco is $20. Not a bad deal…