The ‘later’ 224 from 1946ish originally with tender that had metal ‘rails’ - what would have been the transformer(s) model typically packaged with a ‘set’? Bakelite or metal?
Also I think this typically was packaged with a whistle tender originally - but is it possible the transformer would not have had a provision for the whistle anyway?
I own a 224 from 1946 and i used a cw-80 very bad transformer. any way you should use a 1033 lionel transformer . the correct tender is a 2046wx.
When you get a chance look at my posts they are.Is anyone interested in a mp-15 C@O k-line diesel.Willaims GP-9 for sale is the other one thank you.
Locomotive 681
I thought the 1033 came it in 1948+ so wouldn’t have likely been included originally with a 224 or 1666 'set from 46 or 47 timeframe.
I was just curious which would have been the original transformer(s) typically bundled with a 224 ‘set’ - not that it would be the ideal one to use today.
Also what would have been the original transformer(s) included with a 1666 set from about 1946/7 timeframe?
Although I don’t know for sure, my guess would be either a type Q 75 watt transformer plus a 167 whistle/direction controller, or a type 1041 60 watt transformer with whistle and direction controls built in. The Q was made only in 1946, and the 1041 in 1946 and '47.
Actually, the correct tender would be a 2466W, 2466WX or 2466T.
Transformers for sets from 1946 included the 1037 40-watt, or the 1041 60-watt. Neither had a whistle button, so the W and WX tenders cqame in sets with a 167 whistle controller.
Would the same transformers you mentioned also been used into 1947 with a set packaged with the 1666?
That’s interesting that sets came with the same transformer regardless of whistle or non-whistle tender and an extra separate switch was included for W tenders.
OK, a little more information after looking through all my Greenbergs.
Generally, the O-27 gauge 1946 sets would be offered two ways, with a non whistling tender and a 1037 40-watt trasnformer, or with a whistling tender and a 1041 60-watt transformer with whistle and direction control. Such is the case in the 1666 locomotives pulling the green tin passenger cars, listed as set #1402 and #1402W. The “W” set gets the 2466W tender and the 1041 transformer.
The O gauge sets were not sold with a transformer, though some were sold in both whistling and non-whistling versions. such is the case of the 224 locomotive.
Set #2100 was sold with the 2466T tender and the tin passenger cars in brown. Set #2100W upgraded the tender to a 2466W and added the 167 whistle and direction controller.
Interestingly, the O gauge W set listed for $43.50, while the O-27 W set that included the 1041 transformer listed for $35.95.
The 1041 tranformer, introduced in 1945, was the first to include “MultiControl”, meaning a whistle and direction control. This was followed by the 1042, and 1241 in 1947 and finally the arrival of the ZW, VW and RW line in 1948.
As for the 1666 in 1947 sets, they were not listed in the regular Lionel 1947 catalogue. Though the 1666 was produced and offered in a special promotion set in the spring of 1947. The 1947 production of the 1666 is identified by the 1666 being rubber stamped in silver on the cab, rather than on the metal number board reminiscent of the prewar look. I have no information on what was in that set other than the 1666. But remember, sets were held in stock and often sold years after manufacture.