Which Turnout Manufacturer?

Planning to build a new layout. Is there any collective wisdom out there on who makes the best turnouts and why? I only want to use powered frogs.

  1. New American style Peco, code 83
  2. Walthers (Shinohara), code 85 (seems to offer the most sizes & types)
  3. Micro Engineering, code 83
  4. Some other manufacturer??

the peco code 83 are what i consider the top of the line…although I use Atlas code 100 and some shinohara curved turnouts (I had to look at cost since I have way too many turnouts for my own good)…peco turnouts are one of the best out there…Chuck[:D]

In terms of durability and overall great performance, Peco wins hands down. I haven’t seen the code 83 line yet, but the code 100 and 75 (my standard) look slightly British, if that matters to you.

In terms of looks, Micro Engineering’s are the best (but fragile!).

In terms of overall affordability, Atlas wins. And I suspect most modelers use Atlas track, so they can be made to work reliably.

I think the Wathers/Shinahara trackage is also code 83, not code 85.

I have always went with the Code 100 Atlas turnouts. Why? I have never had a problem so I have always sworn by their reliability for me.

I use the PECO 100’s and am very happy with them. I like the sprung throwbar. I expect that the code 83’s will be excellent

Peco is the most reliable, requiring the least maintence.