Whistle Unit For 2046w

Need some advice if possible. I got my old set out this Christmas after many (30 or more) years in storage and my 2046 loco ran really well after getting cleaned up and lubricated. Amazing seeing how the set went through lots of years of use from both me and my younger brother. The question I have is about the 2046w tender. I discovered that somewhere along the line the whole whistle unit had been removed! I have looked everywhere I know and can’t find another. Does anyone have any leads on where to buy one? Original or reproduction doesn’t matter.

Thanks and I very much enjoy this forum. It’s nice to get back involved with Lionel trains after so many years.


very easy to find on ebay.or try Olsens

Check the shows for a junker postwar whistle tender. The mechanism from any whistle tender from the postwar era will work in yours. You need the whistle, motor and relay. Just make sure those parts are there. The only ones that will not work are some of the early ones from 1946 and a little bit later where the whistle box is mounted on edge.

Olsen’s not much there unless I want to piece one together and my knowledge of how the unit is put together is not there yet. There are some possiblities I saw on EBay. Thanks!

Saw some possibilities on EBay. Who knows though because if someone wants to pay a fortune for them I’ll let them have them. I think what I need is a WS-175 correct?