I just returned from the White Pass and Yukon Trains Unlimited Trip. It was a great four days of railroading althought I could skip Skagway, AK. Five cruise ships dumping 10,000 people into a town of 1,000 doesn’t work well.
We had one day with #73. The attached photos show the engine during a run by at Glacier and stopped on a siding.
When I was there around 1999 I got off the ship and walked over to the 800 HP shovel nose diesel (one of three) leading our train. I just reached out and touched it. It was a WOW! moment.
Check out the photo section of the WhitePass website, wpyr.com. In the photo section and links are great pictures of a plow extra and tour with #1 Rotary and two steam locomotives clearing the Log Cabin section in April 2005. Is WPYR Trains Unlimited an annual event? I can just imagine 4 days between Skagway and Carcross! Especially at this time of year.
We stopped for lunch at Bennett Lake. Then went all the way to Whitehorse. I distinctly remember passing a train of mineral hoppers, headed for Skagway, just West of Carcross.
I made my trek to Alaska after the G.R convention in Settle WA. Aug 2001.
After riding the AK RR. I tour bused to Skagway. At the Nouthern terminus as the tour group went shopping. I walked the WP& Y RR tracks.
I met an employee ( the tallest Irish Man I ever met). He was moving about in rail motor car. I asked if I could have a ride.
After he quickly looked around the area. I got the neetest 100 ft ride of a life time. Then I kicked myself in the A_ _. MY video camera was on my lap.
I rank the W.P & Y. RR., the Cumber & Toltec RR., Georgetown Loop, as one of the top RR to ride behind a steam engine.
I returned a month ago from my first visit to the WP&YR. My trip was more ordinary – I arrived in Skagway the now usual way: aboard a cruise ship. My trip was on one of the regular trains only as far as White Pass. Too bad I didn’t get to ride behind the 73 or go a bit farther up the line, but still I had a wonderful time.
The following web page outlines a little history of the line and contains a few photos from my day:
I have had lots of experinence with White Pass Mikados. #70 and #192 at Dollywood. Lots of pictures and cabrides in both (every time I visit I have at least 1).
My Aunt, Uncle, Great Aunt, Grandma, and Cousin are up in Vancouver and soon they will head to Skagway. They aren’t going to ride the White Pass, but they said they’d take pictures of the trains and railroad stuff around Skagway.