Castor: For reasons unknown, my messages are not currently being posted here on the GR blog site. Will try again. You should be able to find an “abuse” Big Hauler that you can strip for parts w/o cannabalising a good runner.
Dear Trinity, It seems they are coming through now and I will follow up your suggestions. I tried to ring a Mr Cody Grivno, who is billed as Kalmbach’s Group Technical Editor, to gee him up re: ensuring this blog is working and new postings are emailed to participants but I failed to get through as they are closed ‘due to inclement weather’! Nevertheless, it seems we are re-railed, so to speak, and thank you for the emails to date.
Dear Blog Editor, I realise my previous message was more an email to Mr Trinity than a blog, so please don’t feel need to run it. However, you might post a note saying that all is well again and you will inform the community of any further postings as you did when I first joined. Thank you, Bill (Castor)
Castor: Yes, it looks like the Garden Railways team has returned after being thawed out due to the recent adverse weather conditions in town. I just boarded the Subscription Train again after having been absent for a few years. Great bunch of people, they are, who just happen to run the best large scale magazine to be found on the market today!
In the event you find an abused Big Hauler and strip it for parts, I imigine you’ve considered adding a scene (space provided of course) where the poor old locomotive is being cut up by the shop crew? If you do, be sure and submit the pix to GR for publication! Shucks, why not write a story to go with the photos?