Who Are These People ???

I received the following picture in a Trains.com e-mail …

They look awfully familiar, but I can’t put my finger on it. (?) I’m thinking maybe TV, but I’m at a loss … anyone know these folks ?


Looks like Hugh Hefner and friends.[:-^] If I was him trains would be the last thing on my mind.[(-D]


If you “right click” on the photo with your cursor and choose “properties,” it will show you the source of the photo.


Then you can go to the website from which it originated. That might give you a hint.

Actually, I frequently do this on online billboards. When I want to comment on a particular picture without “quoting” a long series of photos, I simply pick up the (hidden) url of the one photo I want to reference and put it in my reply.

Except that simply points you to Mark’s Photobucket account, since he saved the pic there to post it here, that’s not the ‘original’ source.


Well, I did just that, and pretty much got the same info that the image URL already displays (and Mark Roach, who may or may not be a singer, has a private photobucket album).

Any other ideas?

Could it be from that old tv show Peticote Junction?

It’s the six finalists on American Idol. [(-D]

Mark Roach is ME - and I’m not that “famous singer” ! I saved the picture from the e-mail and checked the properties, but no source is evident (which usually isn’t within an e-mail).

Funny - I’ve asked numerous people if they had a clue, and most everyone claimed they looked familiar, but don’t know why.



The Kardashians?

We could only identify them with their big buts. LOL

And exactly how would you know that Rich? Oh oh closet fan… LOL

What’s a Kardashian? [:-^]

Bruce Jenner’s family a reality tv show.


Who is the Cindy Crawford look-alike???

Are you referring to the Kardashians? That’s Kim Kardashian, and she has a HUGE butt though, like Jennifer Lopez. LOL

I couldn’t get Motley’s link to work, so here’s a somewhat interesting image of the Kardashian sisters.
I gather you guys don’t buy your own groceries at a supermarket, wherein waiting in the checkout line you see a lot of celebrity magazines staring back at you.

And now I understand the Mike Roach concept, he bing the OP and all and posted the image to his personal account - still doesn’t mean he’s not a famous singer and he simply won’t admit it…

What´s THAT got to do with model railroading?

Sorry, folks - [#offtopic]