Who can explain this????????????

I agree. One ‘?’ is sufficient!!!

Well science it’s the only unit coal train running in California…

Originally posted by samfp1943

Zapp, I assume you might be able to tell me, Trains southbound at Parsons, Ks. with BNSF power are going to power plants in Oklahoma??? I know some of the UP coal is going through to the Georgia area with the UP power all the way…Thanks

I know they have a contract OP&E ( Oklahoma Power and Electric) and I believe the power plant is in or near the Tulsa area and I believe they have another farther east in Oklahoma.
I would also feel say to say some of that coal might be headed for an eastern road.
All coal destined for Texas comes down the old Burlington Route through Amarillo,Childress and Ft Worth.
DISCLAIMER: I work for UPRR so I do not know and am not claiming be to an expert on the operations of BNSF. These are just my observations.

Zapp; Thanks for the response, I am a transplant to the Parsons, Kansas area from Georgia…We are a crew change point and I guess a divisin point[?} on the UP, amost all our traffic is southbound around here, the north bound stuff goes through Coffeyville, to the west of us…There are BNSF powered trains thru Parsons several times a week, all coal, and the local paper here recently {ParsonsSUN} attributed an addition to the yard tracks of about a half mile to the needs of the BNSF, who was paying for it [go figure] UP did the work… I do not know what that was all about but now our yard leads outbound[ to the south] are about half mile longer… The old Katy Shops area are now used by a company called “RailWorks” they seem to do mostly maintenance activities on UP and a strange fleet of mixed heritage diesels, and always seem to have a lot of dead diesels around the facility…Anyway, thanks again, Zapp

No problem, any time.