Who out there has the longest straight track on their layout? Definitely not me.
Well, when my future layout will be constructed it will be about 17 feet long at the back wall. It would have been 19 feet if I our fusebox wasn’t out there in the garage at the wrong place. Stinkin’ house designers.[:(!] My current layout has a 12 foot long straightaway at it’s longest point.
14 ft. then going into 0-72 curve.
The longest on mine is 20 feet twice, both are hidden from view and 1 is on a 4% grade though! Next would be a tripel track about 12 feet long!
18ft, but I have a 054 curve at each end, so I can’t really get up to track speed. I am sure others have some longer. Have one friend with a 30+ft straight double track with 072s at each end. His goes diagonally across his layout. Very nice to see some passenger trains hiballing it.
Nice avatar picture dwiemer.[;)]
Outer loop has two 19 ft ‘straights’
I have 20 feet of straight track on the upper loop, which goes thru the wall, into the other room.
I have a 30’ft by 30ft’ L shape with two loops on the end of 072. This gives me room for a siding one one each wall for an A-B-A 15 cars and one caboose. Still wish I had more room…
**Chuck…**are you sure? Wife may have made some alterations recently. You had better check this out. [swg]
Three feet maybe four.[sigh]
My layout has a 30ft straight section. It’s only 3 inches wide, however.
Ok. It doesn’t but it could if I use fast track in the street in front of my house
Mine is only like 12 feet.
Mine measures @ 27 feet inches. Thanks for asking. (I think [%-)])
Good Grief…My whole layout is only 7-feet long…
I need to get those kids off to college. Too bad they’re only 2 and 4.
The museum layout is an E shape layout with the longest leg at 66 feet and 90" curves
Wow, Tom. What a great sight. Museum ‘wins’ !
23 feet, but it is in two rooms like Chucks.
Nice museum layout, wins hands down.
Yes, the train room is locked. And there is the barbed wire around it too.