I recently aquired a box of American Flyer items and this was in the box. Can anyone tell me about it? There are no markings I can find. Is is Marx? Thanks
I recently aquired a box of American Flyer items and this was in the box. Can anyone tell me about it? There are no markings I can find. Is is Marx? Thanks
Jim : I think I saw one like that on E-bay & they said it was made in Japan. Not real sure, though !!
Thanks, John
My guess its marx’s it looks like there style
I just finished posting all the Marx we could find for the TCA exchange and don’t recall an item like the one pictured. Don’t recognize it at all.
Is it plastic or metal? Also, does it opperate or just sit pretty?
It is metal, and just sits there. No stamping as I can tell.
Thanks already
Hard to say who made it as there were many smaller companies that competed with or complimented Lionel’s stuff thru the years. A few of companies that I can think of are; Ives, Dorfan, American Flyer or A.C Gilbert. Sometimes the company only had a stick on label on the bottom of an item and it comes off thru the years, so it may be quite hard to say who made it off hand. Maybe an antique person could help you.
Lee F.
For some reason I don’t think it’s American made. I am just thinking outloud and could be wrong.
it could be made in japan by SAKAI(sp)… not sure tho