my buddy Jimmy G makes a reasonable facsimitree
Joe, I did not mean to imply that CCS were exploiting anybody, if it came across that way I appolgise. The trees ‘are’ made using essentially the same materials, the fact that CCS put the time and attention to detail into each one to make them such a high standard is reflected(rightly so) in the price. I’m sorry if I wasnt clear on that point,
I am sure that each tree probably takes 2-3 hrs to make and therefore that assembled price is justified.
However, I was trying to point out the materials used in the DIY kit were available at a much lower price elsewhere and were the same as the ones used by Aggro/many. If you are going to make the tree yourself the extra work of texturing the trunk and spraying the filter is negligible, although I am sure the instructions/tips are an essential item to have to acheive their high standards.
Appologies for any offence or misguidance caused.
Have fun & be safe
Granted there is prep work involved in the kit, the ‘foliage material’ however is simply recoloured, divided, wrapped in a piece of card and “marked up” 2000%, it appears to me.
I’m not too big on scenery, but I know that “Woodland Scenics” is one of the best places for scenery.
No offense taken. Just wanted to point out that all is not as it seems.[swg]
While the basic structure materials used for the CCS trees are similar to Aggro’s nice trees, the CCS trees (or trees made using their techniques and materials) will look absolutely marvelous even in the most closeup camera shots.
Actually working with Pete and his trees has been a treat because the closer you get to them, the better they look. That’s not the case with most model trees.
Aggro’s trees no doubt pass as fine looking trees under normal viewing circumstances, but put side by side, you’ll spot the tree made with CCS materials and techniques every time.
So it depends on what you are after, which was my only point.
All your tree’s are crap. You know that Canyon Creek Scenics are the best. Look who’s in business and making MONEY selling tree’s! They must be good!! Lets see you sell a tree for $75!! Come on guys.
I need about a thousand trees. If I could afford them at $75, I would buy a brass engine instead or mayby a full size yellowstone.
Scenic Express kits make very nice trees. They are also relatively inexpensive. I use WS Ready-Made bulk packs, which while nice, don’t hold a candle to the SE ones. I plant groves of trees between my track and the aisleways and the WS plastic trucks are durable and make great car catchers.