Who manufactures decent HO track bumpers?

I can’t seem to find any good looking track bumbers. I use Shinohara and Cutom-Line track so I’d like to install bumpers that are of comparable quality.


Walthers makes a decent 12-pack for around $10. There are styrene but look good. Once painted and weathered, they look even better.

I made a modifcation to mine so that I can move mine around the layout if I want. And, they actually do what they are intended to do - stop trains and cars. If you’re interested, I can send you the link to the posting I made a few months ago on how I modified these.


The link would be great, thanks Tom!

Have you considered the Tichy/Creative Model Associates track stop/bumper ? :

NMRA Life 0543


I have the link at home. I’ll see if I can’t rummage it up here but it might take me a while. In either event, I’ll get it to you.



He makes in Code 100, 83, 70, and N.


I bought a package of those Walthers bumpers, too. They do look pretty good, certainly better than the Atlas things. I did mine in flat black acrylic and then added some rust.


Found it! - http://www.trains.com/community/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=40247

It’s a “how to” pictoral so it may take a little time to load. Anyway, they work very well for me.


I use the Atlas bumpers on my hidden staging track. But, out in the open, I use masonite nails bent over a bit. I do this since the track is supposed to continue off the layout edge…but putting a bumper mid-track would look a bit odd. The nails do their job–they catch on the axle and prevent a car from going over.

I have the Tomar ones and they are very good. They are made of track peices and withstand the occasional hit. The Walthers ones are plastic and while they look good, they have failed me when one of my sons ran a train into a siding a little too fast. http://www.tomarindustries.com/acc.htm (about half way down the page with a picture link)

Thanks guys! Yep, Walthers look nice, but sold out. Tomar are nicer but not cheap. I wonder if anyone ever made some of there own bumpers. From pieces of rails by soldering. Would be cool. Where can I find pictire diagram of the prototype bumber?


Another idea. I made one out of a piece of Altas sectional track. I removed the first few ties then bent the rail up 60 degrees with some pliers. I guess there’s a prototype for that, too.



With the simple modification to the Walthers track bumpers I’ve spelled out, you won’t ever have that problem. I tested one out by running an Athearn BB F7 into it at full throttle and it stopped it COLD… with no adverse effects to either the bumper or the locomotive. CA, dimensional lumber, and a little time is all you need for a working track bumper.


I make my own out of rail scraps and they don’t cost me anything but time. I’d toss the scraps out anyway…


TOMAR also makes some very nice Hayes Wheel Stops in H-O and N-Scale that work great and look nice at the same time. I’ve seen them painted yellow and red on the prototype.
If you want CHEAP, just flop a couple of ties across the end of the track.
Walthers bumpers are JUNK and look like it too!

There is a really easy to build bumper that was in the March 2005 MR on page 70. Your basic bumper with no frills. Easy, if you have scrap rail…