Who uses Depots ??

Who uses depots on their layout? I just built the New depot from Walthers and built an interior for it. It is used as a Maintenance shop for the CNW. I love depots and I look for them on every layout I see.[:D][:D]

I do I do, I even model abandoned depots in various states of disrepair. I like the arhitecture of them, the history

I just have HO figures standing by the track waving their hands furiously to stop the train


When I do the final section of my layout I’m planning out adding a small NYC style depot at a suburb on my layout.


One assumes that anyone modeling passenger operations would include depots, aside maybe from trolley modelers who only have flag stops. Even the modest “amshack” is a depot!

I am going to have one on my layout, which is set in 1975, starting to look shabby, but not quite there yet. I will eventually add a passenger train to stop there. The depot will be nothing more than the front 1/4th and a detailed interior that can be viewed from outside the walk-in layout.


The Southern Serves the South!

I’ll have 3 wood frame combination depots on my layout. there will be a Southern Rwy and an L&N depot in my representation of Murphy, NC, and a smaller Southern depot in Topton, NC. All three will have to scratchbuilt to be reasonably accurate, but because they will be “signature” buildings, they will be worth the effort.

Have Fun,
Tom Watkins

My 4x8 has 2 depots, and on the one I’m planning there will be a passenger depot in every town and freight depot in most as well.

I’m modelling a “dark” mainline with seven towns along the route, so I need at least one depot per station. That and three freight houses, four interlocking plants, and possibly one Union Station. With one exception, I’m scratchbuilding them all!

I have a Walthers frieght depot on mine.


My layout, though small has 3 depots and a “whistle stop”. Up until rather recently (last 30 years or so, anyhow,) any town that had a railroad running through had at least one depot.

I have more depots on my layout than I have towns for them to serve–all of my towns are–uh–shall we say ‘Hidden’? Which means that I forgot to include them in the layout plans. Just finished an extension, and by cracky, I had space for both a depot AND a town! Im getting better!
Tom [:P][:P]