Who was looking for CP SD90MAC's???

Whoever was I found 2 on ebay. Here are the links. http://cgi.ebay.com/KATO-HO-SD90-43-MAC-CP_W0QQitemZ130060824758QQihZ003QQcategoryZ19134QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem



It was Mikeymbca,

Hopefully he will see your post soon. Way to go!

Helping fellow modelers scores a 100 on the “Cool” scale.[8D][tup]

Peace and Merry Christmas

I was searching eBay for deals and I came across these and I remembered somebody was looking for them so I thought I should post it.


I saw it too and I’m on it. Thanks for the tip, though. I’ll let you know if I win it.

Finger crossed…


BTW, I just picked up an undecorated unit off of ebay, too. It’ll be heading straight for the paint shop as soon as it gets here.

Keep us updated on how it goes. I love to see other people’s projects.


Now there are three on eBay.

Wow. I put in a request…and He provides…in SPADES.

I’d been watching ebay for these Kato SDs for almost 4 months, and only saw one…and couldn’t afford that one when it sold. Now, in the last 3 weeks there have been 7 of them, with 2 or 3 more still going. Needless to say, I bought one to go along with the undecorated unit I bought. Of course, the prices they are commanding right now are about 15-20% over list, but I suppose if the market supports that price, why not?

I also just recieved the undecorated unit, and I have got to say KUDOS to Kato on the detail level and quality. That baby runs smooth like silk and pulls like a, well, like a train… It really does put my RPP unit completely in the shade.

I’ve decided to hold off on painting both the RPP and the Kato units until the CP unit arrives, so that I can really nail the paint jobs on both. The decals and detail parts I ordered from my LHS are in, so I suppose the only thing to do is get them detailed and ready for painting. Now that the Christmas and New Year’s rush is over, I can get down to the nitty gritty of getting these babies dragging cars.
