Who's going to GATS in Sacramento tomarrow?

Hopefully this show will be better than the last few times. Lets see what I can find this year. On the search list:

-3 Athearn 40’ steel reefer bodies (to be repainted for PFE)
-1 Athearn SP heavyweight coach or baggage
-Allen Kellers GMR vol 46 DVD
-A UP oxide boxcar with yellow lettering

I pray it don’t storm too bad, since I’ll be on foot outside quite a while to and from Cal Expo. I may see you there. I’ll be there both days.

I’m going to skip it in favor of the Roseville show next mont. $8 admission, $5 parking (or a long hike in the rain from the Mervynn’s parking lot) and mostly toy-train and diecast stuff I have no interest in.

Besides, my wallet is still smarting from that show in November, plus the holidays…

San Diego was great for this newbie. Most of the veterans down here didn’t like it said it was very small. But the kids had a blast, I saw a HO layout with a DVD player for a drive in, That was cool, showing movies and trains, and there was a guy who had an incredible N scale layout and was showing a how to on mountains and other scenery. No one down here was willing to show it so I enjoyed it.

What I am saying is if you’ve been before, I hear it is a lot smaller. But if you are looking for something, I believe you will always get some benefit if you look hard enough.

Enjoy and have fun with the trains. Take a kid and have lots of fun.


Jetrock…What date is the Roseville show, need to look at more of Bragdons geodetic scenery products. Have a great day…John.

Feb. 7-8 I think…Roseville fairgrounds.

Well, I’m back. Slim pickings. Un-freaking-believeable. If you’re into N scale then you’d love this show. Toys, N scale, and presion tools. Thats most of what I found. All kinds of cheap N stuff.
I did manage to locate a few old Athearn reefers for redecorating. The guy who sells railroad videos wasn’t even there! So much for my GMR DVD.

And when I left the show heading to the bus stop, it stormed. [:(] Good thing I brang a large garbage bag to protect my goodies from water.

This has got to be the worst GATS ever. Low attendance. Low number of sellers. Too much BS stuff. I don’t think I’m going back tomarrow.

jwar-- Bragdon Enterpise is there. Selling trees, rock castings, powders, etc.

I was there today. I was looknig for some 40’ HO scale freight cars, but no luck. It seemed like everything was either N scale or used O scale. There was one vendor who was selling some HO Atlas cabooses for only $5. I almost got one, thinkning I might be able to repaint it eventually, but I decided not to. All I got there was $20 of tools. After the show, I went to a hobby shop in Roseville and got a Walthers UP dynamometer car, Walthers built-up trackside structures, and a ME #6 LH turnout, so the day wasn’t a total loss.

I’ll probably go to the show in Roseville next month. I went to it last year and I remember it being a lot better than this show.

Nah, not me. Went last year, it was pretty bad. Besides, I just ordered another Yellowstone from Peach Creek Shops in Maryland, it’s supposed to arrive Monday, which means I’ve blown my budget until April, when the BLI Santa Fe’s come out. By the way, Aggro, this one is custom painted D&MIR #231. Figure that I might as well have ONE authentic out of three, right?

With any amount of luck I’ll be selling stuff at the Roseville show. As I recall it wasn’t as big as the November show but it had some decent used items–it only fills the one main building rather than the three-building International Railfair event.

Plus admission and parking adds up to $4-5 instead of $13.

Hm. I’ll have to see if those Athearn heavyweight cars I have are SP…I’m about due for some layout closet cleaning–mostly toy-train type stuff I picked up on a whim, a couple of European structures, my small amount of HOn3 components and parts, and an Eheim trolley-bus set. Except for the last item I plan on pricing pretty cheap.