Who's going to the Big Train Show at the Queen Mary?

Well, the MWLSTS is this weekend I beleive, have fun Brian! Let us know how it went! [;)]

in 2 weeks is the Big Train Show at the Queen Mary on June 5th and 6th. [:D]

Who here is going to the BTS [?]

I am planning on going Saturday, but Sunday is the best for deals. [8D]

If I can get going early enough I might try to crash Mac McCalla’s airbrushing seminar, otherwise I’ll just be hanging around checking thing out. [:o)]

We’re having a booth there! You can meet Dean Bennett (our advertising guy) and editor Marc Horovitz. I’ve heard that show is just packed with folks. What I’m wondering is, why can’t they have it in January when it’s cold in WI?!? grin

I probably will go on Sunday. LGB is suppose to attend this year. It would be nice to see them once
again at the show. Maybe I can pickup some new toy from Gold Coast,too.


Tom M.

Because then everyone would hustle out to LA,CA and the continent would probably tip or that section would fall into the Pacific. [}:)][;)][:D] What a way to solve a smog problem, eh…![:p][:)][:)]


From what I see and hear Hans has shelf upon shelf of LGB toys, some apparently collector’s items. Or at least that’s the impression I get when I see his LGB toys on eBay. While you’re there you might as well pick up some of the Kiss gondolas, they go well with the Krok.

Not me, to far [:(]
It is getn hot and the landscaping business getn hot to [:)]
Now if they wanted to have one in South Houston @ the Dome, then I would think on going [;)]

Hi guys,
Vic: Posted my stuff on the show on the MWLSTS thread. A little too far to drive for me. Well…this year. GRIN Anyhow tell us about it when you get back. Sounds like a really neat show. Later eh…Brian.

I always check out the GR booth, and usually pick up a few back issues.

Brian, glad the MWLSTS went well. too bad it sound like most forum members are too far away, Oh Well. I usually just lerk thru the show stealthly looking for those sweet deals…[:D]

Hope those of you that can make the Rusty Boat Show have a good time! I will be there Saturday morning right at 10am hopefully, waiting to buy my ticket to the rusty innards of the beast.[:D]


From what I see and hear Hans has shelf upon shelf of LGB toys, some apparently collector’s items. Or at least that’s the impression I get when I see his LGB toys on eBay. While you’re there you might as well pick up some of the Kiss gondolas, they go well with the Krok.

Yes let’s hope the LGB booth will be as BIG as the program they offer…
Last I saw them I think was 1996. It will be great to shelve-shop the wares…


Tom M.

Well, Saturday at the BTS was GREAT!

I couldnt get going early enought to sneak into Mac MacCalla’s airbrushing seminar, or any other for that matter, but had a good time none the less!

It was crowded this year, a good sign for the hobby? Checked out the live steamers outside and the inside booths, some were so crowded I couldnt even look for anything until my second pass!

Got to meet Marc Horowitz, Marc is a great advocate for the hobby and he was nice enough to look at the plans for my now even smaller indoor layout, tell ya about that later…he even suggested sending it in when finished, Maybe? lets see how long it takes me to get it done though!

LGB’s booth was really small and a bit dissappointing, had a good talk with the rep at the Bachmann booth but couldnt rangle any new release info out of him. Those guys are as secretive as North Korea when it comes to new stuff.

Ozark Miniatures has a new release of resin kits to convert Bmann On30 drives to Gn15 (G scale, HO track) and they look awesome, they are using Herb Deeks original molds that they bought from him.

I only wanted to picked up a few things that I was specificly looking for , namely House of Balsa’s building facade kits for the Saloon and new Barber Shop kits, I just finished to Hotel kit and these are awesome kits for indoors modelers, listening Brian? you might want to check these out for your indoor segment.

I was also looking for Bachmanns new Porter but NO ONE had them, not St Aubin, or Gold Coast or any of the other sellers. I was about to leave when I made one more round at the bottom level and in a corner next to the Del Oro layout, a booth by Mike’s Backshop, I spotted my quarry, a unlettered saddle tanker with a price tag of $60 bucks! Holy Jackpot Batman! I asked if the engine was in good condition, the vendor said he bought it for a RC project that he never got around too and it was still NIB, I said I’ll take it and took it out from in fron

Glad you had a good time. Don’t ya’ just love when you come across the ultimate bargain?! B’man Porters were everywhere at the MWLSTS. Had to restrain myself from all the deals. Kept telling myself I still have to get it across the border. From what Rene has told me, Marc is very interested in indoor lines. Particularily those who have them stuffed into a small area. Good for you. Caught what you said on The House Of Balsa kits. Will be looking for those. Thumbs up buddy…keep at it…Later eh…Brian.