Why do "genset" locos have that white box on the cab roof?


I’m really not up on the new locos, as my interests are primarily postwar thru the '50s - so please indulge me with what may be “rookie” questions…

In looking at the Overland ads for models of “genset” locos, there are several beautifully painted locos - UP, BNSF, etc. - that have this white flat box on the roof of the cab, which I suspect its for some kind of satellite connection.

IMHO, that white box is such an eyesore on those beautiful locos. Why are they white, and not the parent roads colors? Is there a legitimate reason, or is it just no big deal to the RR?

Are you sure that’s not the cab air conditioner? Most cab roof A/Cs are white to aid in reflecting the sun’s rays.

Without a picture to see exactly what white box you are speaking of, I’ll guess that it is probably part of the GPS system. You will see these on most of the newer locos these days.

The air conditioners mentioned above are what you might call an “after market” item. They are add ons to the conventional cab units that weren’t delivered with A/C when first ordered.

And what do you mean the white box is an “eyesore”? Heck, the entire unit is an “EYESORE”!

My guess …A/C units


That one is definitely an A/C unit; made by Coleman (RV Products).