I am a student from McMaster University doing a report on buygin behaviour in the model train industry and would be very appreciative if any one could share some reasons as to why they collect model trains. Thank you for your participation.
One of the Main reasons is it is almos like a art form, you paint backdrops, make mountains, lay track, scratch build. in this hobby you get to wear many hats. Besides it being like an art form it is soothing. After a day at work or school it is relaxing just to watch your trains go by.
Howdy, name’s Eric. I collect mostly Lionel trains. I do it mostly for nestalgic reasons. The burnt ozone smell makes me think of a simpler time when things like the xbox 360 would have been but a foolish pipe dream and the personal computer was just a dream still. I love collecting trains and even though I am sophmore in High School, I still feel (and sometimes act) like a ten year old when I fire up my trains.
Yes, it is a form of art. and art that doesn’t get old. Many things contribute to the liking of trains. Usually it is passed down by a family member. As for me, My dad works for the railroad and he also collects trains. All of this got me interested in the hobby. It also helps to have friends who enjoy the hobby also. Another reason I like modeling railroads is, there are many railroads to choose from and even if there isn’t one you truley like, you can make one up. That’s the bueaty about modeling. It’s what you make it.
Todays model railroading has become more life like. The new models coming out today have never looked so real. So many people build railroads for the real life effects.
All it takes is a little curiousty and interest in it and you’ve got yourself a basis for a model railroad.
One of the attractions for me is that I can run them on a model railroad layout. So instead of having display shelves of models that don’t do anything, I have a train in motion, a train that I can control. I also enjoy building the models from kits or from parts as well as building the model railroad layout.
I have been in to trains for a while. Got my first train in 1959 off the back of a cereal box. Wether real or HO, trains are in my life. When I first started collecting HO trains in 1969 I wanted to get one of everything, not very practical, but the perceived need was there. I am much more selective now and only purchase scale prototypical models. Some of my older models get sold off as they no longer hold the appeal they once did.
I am going to my train club today to run a coal train, why, because I just want to see it run. And there will be other club members there as well. Group therapy is always the best. Model railroading is an obsession, er hobby for me.
In the world of model railroads (I am a Garden Railroader), one can bend the laws of nature and reality and create whatever world is desired. It could be a simulation of a real railroad down to the last nut and bolt, down to the last train schedule with correct routing, OR as in my case, I bend nature to fit to my will, I will create what I desire and it will be so. I can be the ruler of my own world, a form of escapism from the pressures of the job and family.
My railroad is what I created, there are no others like it, nor will there ever be. I have made the models, the track and garden scenery. Even though much of it is store bought, all of the elements that make up the railroad have my unique touch and character. To have all these elements come together in a working railroad with purpose and direction is a feeling a little like Dr. Frankenstein exclaiming “its Alive!”, the models are no longer plastic wood and metal, but now a living entity.
Art, yes certainly, we all have some creative drive to be in this hobby. Eons ago we would have been painting on cave walls and making stone carvings, in this day and age we model railroads. I dare say that for many of us model railroading is probably not the only hobby we enjoy. The creative drive is strong, almost a wild beast that must be relased or it will tear us apart.
Hope this information is useful. Linda, why not go out and get yourself an LGB G scale starter kit and do some hands on research? You might be pleasantly surprised at the data collected!
quite simple. CNW is my favorite road. and buying models of CNW is the closest i can get to seeing a CNW locomotive now, since they’re all gone. so i get the models to keep the memories going. hope that helps!
Let me put it a way that a person not familiar with trains will understand.
Time goes by very fast, most of the time, too fast. From the eyes of a normal 14 year old, they wouldnt really care to go back to the 90’s, or even 2004. Why? Because to them, most things around them havent changed drasticly. There may be a few new buildings, repaved roads, and maybe a few new vehicles rolling around. To me, 2004 seems like eons ago, as in that time, I was still able to see my favorite railroad (look at my picture) when I wanted too. Now, these engines are long gone, and stuff replaced it that is newer and isnt as interesting as something made in the 1960s and 1970s. I collect the models to stop time, and to be able to see what I wish I could see now, everyday. Its a time machine, going back to the good ole’ days!